Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

It's still early, (3:30 a.m.) and thus, very quiet around the hospital right now. But I'm guessing this is a very cool day to be on the labor and delivery floor. :)

I don't know WHY I'm awake at 3:30 a.m. I sent Simon to the nursery around midnight... he had fallen asleep next to me in bed (Gosh, I was SO scared of that last time around!) and the nurse came to take his vitals, so I figured I'd take advantage of my last opportunity to get some uninterrupted sleep for awhile. So much for that, I'm up anyway!

I get to leave in less than 8 hours! Woohoo! I'm so excited to go home. And Tom and I have agreed, it feels so much different this time. We're not anxious about it at all... just ready to make our new little addition part of the routine.

I feel WONDERFUL. In fact, as long as I'm not in any sudden "chest pain" this evening, we're going over to his parents' house for Mother's Day dinner. I think I *might* have one more day before we have to throw the "Welcome Milk!" icepack party... we'll see.

Some random thoughts about Simon/having a second baby:
1) I am SO MUCH MORE RELAXED. From the diaper changes to the eating and sleeping... it's just a totally different experience.

2) I don't want to say TOO much about his tempermant yet, because Ben fooled us GOOD while we were in the hospital, only to show his true colors at home. But I do think we've got ourselves a laid back one this time. First off, he EATS. The kiddo sucks down his one-ounce feedings like a pro and usually wants more before three hours is up. That in itself is a nice change. :)

3) He is so tiny. I had to dress him today for his hospital picture and even the preemie outfit I brought is about five times too big. Ben was almost exactly the same size. But I thought I had the going home outfit problem solved this time with the preemie/newborn outfit. Apparently not. Sheesh.

4) I LOVE calling him by his name after all this time, though I have, on numerous occasions now, called him Benjamin. Duh duh duh. I have only called him "Too" twice, which is something I thought I'd do way more often. His name is turning out to be pretty popular with the nurses around here! Everyone who asks me his name comments on how cute it is and a couple people have said it's refreshing to hear he's not another "Jaden". (sorry to any Jadens out there!!) ;)

5) He got the big snip, snip today. I had been dreading that since the day I found out I was having another boy. BUT, he did great, it's over and he'll be all healed up in a couple days. :)

6) When I get home, I might try both pumping AND a little actual bf'ing. It's so tempting because after he sucks down his little one-ounce of a bottle, he buries his head in my shirt, sniffles around for a mintue, finds his target with amazing accuracy, and then starts sucking on my SHIRT. How can you turn down amazing instinct like that? He did this before he was 24 hours old even!! I'm fascinated.

Random Thoughts about This Whole Experience/Hospital Stay:

1) This relative ease of this delivery and recovery have really made it hit home for me just how BADLY things went last time around. I had no idea just what kind of horrible shape I was in with Ben. This time, other than a little muscle soreness in my arms and back from tensing up during pushing? I feel completely normal...

2) The fancy "east wing" that you may have seen Val and I discussing has a big downside this time that I don't remember from last time. Most of the rooms are right next to the helipad. Oh yes... the medicvac helicopter lands approximately thirty feet to the left of my window (though up two stories) several times a day. Good times. Sheesh. ;)

3) The "room service" dining is amusing. Yeeeeeah, I've had three meals now and it's really just hospital food, I've determined. But it's neat to be able to order what you want, when you want... and you can order AS MUCH as you want. Which reminds me, Val, they say you have to pay $5 for a guest tray (like for your husband), but yet they don't seem to care if you order say.... three entrees, two side dishes, and a bunch of desserts for yourself. So.... yeah, take that knowledge and run with it. ;) Also, it cracks me up that when they bring the tray, they knock on the door and say "room service!"

4) My OB is even more wonderful than I thought she was. I'm so disappointed that she's getting out of OB. :(

5) My stomach is deflating entirely too slowly. I look pretty much like my 24-week belly shot (at LEAST). It's looks and feels full of air and/or water. I'm not sure which it is... I just hope it goes down soon! I'd like to at least be able to get out my regular shirts, even if I have to wear them with elastic shorts for awhile.

6) Ow. I forgot how much afterpains can hurt. Where's my Motrin?

Ah well, I guess that's all for now. It's almost time for the annoying tech to come in and take my temperature and blood pressure for hopefully the last time. That whole routine gets really old... the nurse should be in soon too and I think I'm going to ask for Simon back, since I'm awake anyway. ;) I'm so going to pay for this tonight, aren't I?

Thanks to everyone who has posted comments the last two days. I am going to save all of them for the baby book. I can't believe so many people were invested in our adventure! :)

Hugs to all of you and Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies and mommies-to-be!

I have so many more questions now after having "gone through" this experience "with" you! :-)

But, for now, I'll just say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! And how cool is it to be there on Mother's Day?!?!
Val, just drop me an email! I have lots to tell! :) (a lot has changed since the last time I was here!)
Happy Mother's Day! Have a safe trip home and enjoy Mommy-of-two-hood.
I sent you a long, rambling email! :-)
Oof, I remember those afterpains with #2 very well. (Didn't have any with #1.) Keep that motrin handy!

I'm sure it will be a joyous mother's day for the 4 of you.
Enjoy your Mother's Day with BOTH of your adorable boys!!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mothers' Day! I've been lurking on your site since finding from Janelle's. Congrats to you and your family.
Happy Mothers' Day!
Re: the afterpains -- for me, they were MUCH worse with #2. I didn't even remember having them with #1.

Re: the magical inflatabelly -- from one skinny person to another, I couldn't fit in my normal-person jeans until 4 months post-partum with #2. This is compared to 4 weeks post-partum with #1. So expect the worst, seriously. I've heard it gets almost exponentially worse with each additional child.l

Re: the boobie juice -- if you do decide to go that route and have any questions at all, don't hesitate to email me, or even to post them for the gigantic community you've accumulated here. Be forewarned, it is not always simple and (literally) painless. But if you should choose to do it, once you and Mr. Simon get things worked out in that arena, it is the most wonderfully CONVENIENT thing on the planet. Seriously.
OH, Erin, I love it! I'm SO GLAD to hear how much better it is the second time. The first one royally sucked so I can't say how freakin' wonderful it is to know that's not always the experience. I'm really glad you have so many things to look forward to. Going home already! WOOOT!

Happy Mother's Day to you!
Aaaargh!! Can't believe we MISSED IT! And I was WRONG WRONG WRONG about it being a girl. You sneaky devil!!!

Welcome Simon!!! You are just adorable, and I'm just amazed that you're finally here!
Sounds like your little rooter is doing fabulous :) That is awesome!!
Erin I am just so happy for all of you.

I hope the bf goes well. It's really a wonderful thing.

Take care.Hugs!!!

Could you email me soon. I have Ben's gift and something for the little man. I just want to drop it off the next time I am out that way.
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