Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Why Nature is Just Cruel...(a first post of many, I'm sure)

Last night, I was randomly awake around 2a.m. No particular reason... I guess I was a little hungry, so I ate an graham cracker with some peanut butter on it. After that, I was just AWAKE. WIDE AWAKE until, I dunno... 4:30? I thought to myself, "Wow. I may as well have a newborn because I'm awake anyway... this would be a piece of cake!"

But see that's the thing. Then you HAVE the baby and the minute the baby leaves your body and takes the discomfort and most of the crazy hormones with it, you almost instantly feel normal* again. As in, you have the ability to sleep through the night (and on your stomach if you choose!) But then? You have the newborn up all night thing to contend with and all your body wants to do is sleep, for the love of pete.

See? Nature is CRUEL.

*as normal as you can feel after you push a human out of you or have one surgically extracted from your abdomen... and there is, of course, the whole night sweats thing and rock hard painful boobs for awhile and the overwhelming realization that you are responsible for someone else for basically the rest of your life or at least the next 18 years... but yeah, relative to the last nine months (particularly those last few weeks of the last nine months?) NORMAL.

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